
Nordic Course on Laser Dermatology is initiated by the Nordic Dermatology Association which was founded in 1910 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The aim of the association is to promote Nordic cooperation in scientific, educational and clinical aspects of dermatology and venereology, mainly by arranging congresses in the Nordic countries.

More information about the Association is available on

Local organizer & Course Director

Merete Haedersdal, Professor MD, PhD, DMSc

Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

Research Staff, Wellman Center for Photomedicine

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Boston, USA


Scientific faculty in the 3rd NCLD

Merete Haedersdal, Professor MD, PhD, DMSc

Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

Research Staff, Wellman Center for Photomedicine

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Boston, USA

Albert Wolkerstorfer, Dermatologist, MD, PhD

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Vice-president Key & Officer Education ESLD

Dept Dermatology / Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders

Amsterdam University Medical Centre

University of Amsterdam

Peter Bjerring, Professor, overlæge, dr. med.

Aalborg, Denmark

Afdelingen for hud- og kønssygdomme

Aalborg Universitetshospital

Speciallægekonsulent, Hudcenter Mølholm,

Privathospitalet Mølholm, Vejle

Andrés Erlendsson, MD PhD

Stockholm, Sweden

Dermatology, Theme Inflammation and Aging

Karolinska | University Hospital

Katrine Elisabeth Karmisholt, MD, PhD,

Copenhagen, Denmark

Bispebjerg Hospital, dermatology department

Christina Haak, PhD, Speciallæge i dermatologi

HAAK, Medical and Aesthetic Dermatology

Copenhagen K, Denmark

Maria R. Kamstrup, MD, PhD,

Bispebjerg Hospital, Dermatology department

Copenhagen, Denmark

Gabriela Grove, MD, PhD fellow

Department of Dermatology

Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg, Denmark